Lesson 21-Dividing A Nation Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 56024)

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The publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin had what effect on the country?
a) It created a slave revolt in Kentucky
b) It turned many more people against slavery
c) Congress agreed that slavery should be abolished
d) The South became more resolved to secede from the Union

In what way did the Kansas - Nebraska Act nullify the Missouri Compromise?
a) It changed the borders of Missouri
b) It required that all of Missouri be free
c) It allowed slavery in new Northern territories
d) It established new interstate trade rules

Which of these was a result of the Kansas - Nebraska Act?
a) It led to a violent struggle over slavery in Kansas
b) It settled the slavery issue in Nebraska
c) It calmed the country's dispute over slavery
d) It required that the new territories would be free states

In the Dred Scott case, what did the Supreme Court rule?
a) that slavery diminished the national character
b) Africa American rights were protected by the Constitution
c) African American didn't have the right to sue in federal court
d) that slavery should be abolished by executive order

At the raid on Harpers Ferry, John Brown was trying to achieve what?
a) create a slave rebellion that would bring an end to slavery
b) to bring attention to the conflict between the North South
c) to bring the two sides together to form a new compromise
d) create a revolution that would lead 2 war between the states

What impact did the Lincoln-Douglas debates have on Lincoln's political future?
a) he won the senate race in Illinois
b) He became known throughout the Nation
c) He was seen as a poor candidate for public office
d) Felt discouraged removed himself from politics for a time

This was the first state to secede from the union?
a) Gerogia
b) Florida
c) Texas
d) South Carolina

After the presidential election of 1860, what was the sense people got?
a) The nation was divided over slavery
b) Lincoln was popular throughout the nation
c) There was little support for abolitionists in the North
d) Southern states were eager to abolish slavery

What was the event that started the Civil War?
a) the election of Abraham Lincoln
b) John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
c) South Carolina's shelling of Fort Sumter
d) Preston Brooks's attack on Charles Sumner

How was US law challenged by Missouri's application to be a slave state in 1819?
a) it did not have a state constitution
b) States west of the Mississippi River were to be slave states
c) It did not have the population required for statehood
d) States north of the Ohio River were to be free states

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