Lesson 21- A Dividing Nation Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 56023)

Teach TCI Lesson 21. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To balance the interests of the North and the South when it came to slavery, these two men worked together?
a) Daniel Webster / Henry Clay
b) James Polk / John Quincy Adams
c) Nat Turner / John Brown
d) Charles Sumner / Stephen A. Douglas

What did the government include in the Compromise of 1850 that helped alleviate some of the South's fears?
a) It created new taxes for railroad construction
b) It provided an end to the slave trade in Washington DC
c) It included a law requiring the return of escaped slaves
d) It required the Underground Railway to be disbanded

What part of the country was slavery banned in the Wilmot Proviso of 1846?
a) Southern states
b) Northern states
c) Louisiana Territory
d) Land acquired from Mexico

This state was excepted into the Union as a free state in the Missouri Compromise.
a) Missouri
b) California
c) Maine
d) New Mexico

If there were to be more free states in the Union what did Southern senators believe would happen?
a) losing respect
b) losing tax revenue
c) losing voting power
d) losing future elections

Missouri Compromise had what effect on the United States in 1820?
a) It temporarily ended the slavery debate
b) It required Southern states to pay higher taxes.
c) It led to the South seceding from the Union
d) It upset the balance of slave and free states in the Union

What is the 36°30' parallel?
a) It separated the North from the South
b) It indicated the northern border of Missouri
c) It indicated where slavery was allowed and banned.
d) It showed the borders of the United States

In the Compromise of 1850, what did the North receive?
a) California admitted as a free slave
b) Fugitive Slave Act
c) Slave trade extended
d) Kansas and Nebraska admitted as free states

How was US law challenged by Missouri's application to be a slave state in 1819?
a) it did not have a state constitution
b) States west of the Mississippi River were to be slave states
c) It did not have the population required for statehood
d) States north of the Ohio River were to be free states

Fugitive Slave Law failed except for which one of these reasons...
a) many slaves moved to Canada
b) Northerners refused to obey the law
c) hounded slave catchers returned to the South
d) plantation owners did not want returned slaves

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