The Outsiders Chapters 7-9 Question Preview (ID: 55998)

Vocabulary Words That Cover Chapters 7-9 In The Novel The Outsiders. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mimic means
a) to make fun of someone by imitating
b) gloomy; resentfully silent
c) brave and heroic
d) dressed

Contemptuously means
a) stubborn manner
b) joy over a victory
c) in a manner that shows extreme disrespect
d) change direction

Aghast means
a) a positive quality
b) filled with sudden fright
c) unexcited
d) showing disbelief

Exploits means
a) to avoid or escape
b) something not often seen
c) unexcited
d) notable or heroic acts or deeds

Divert means
a) to distract
b) nervous
c) representing the best
d) gloomy

Falter means
a) a positive quality
b) to speak hesitantly or unsteadlily
c) representing the best
d) showing disbelief

Leery means
a) a positive quality
b) something not often seen
c) suspicious
d) gloomy

Grimace means
a) a facial expression that shows disapproval or pain
b) a non-sensible state of mind
c) to look up to with much adoration
d) thing that can be used to advantage

Conformity means
a) a positive quality
b) something not often seen
c) representing the best
d) behavior that is in agreement

Agony means
a) a positive quality
b) joy over victory
c) extreme physical or mental suffering
d) to look up to with much adoration

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