TCAP REVIEW Question Preview (ID: 55997)

Review For 2020-2021 TCAP TEST. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following would be an adaptation an organism must have to survive in a desert biome
a) Ability to store water
b) To be nocturnal
c) To have thick fur
d) The ability to run fast

Which of the following would be an abiotic factor of a tundra biome
a) All of the above
b) Short growing season
c) Permafrost
d) Migration on animals

A pack of wolves living in Yosemite National Park would be considered
a) A population of wolves
b) A community of wolves
c) An organism
d) An ecosystem

A fox and a squirrel is an example of what type of relationship?
a) Predation
b) Competition
c) Mutualism
d) Parasitism

Animals compete for many reasons. Which of the following would an animal most likely compete for?
a) all of the above
b) A mate
c) Shelter
d) Water

The study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment is called
a) Ecology
b) Biology
c) Botany
d) Chemistry

Weather conditions in a region over a long period of time is called
a) Climate
b) Forecast
c) Earth Zone
d) Adaptation

A climate zone that is known for being mild is called
a) A temperate climate zone
b) A tropical climate zone
c) A polar climate zone
d) A mild climate zone

The rainforest biome would be in which climate zone?
a) Tropical
b) Temperate
c) Polar
d) Equator

The safest preparation for a major hurricane is to
a) Evacuate
b) Board up windows
c) Lock doors and windows
d) Put out sandbags

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