The Mission To Mars Question Preview (ID: 55992)

Space Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where will the astronauts get water?
a) from the ice-caps
b) from the soil
c) from Earth
d) from the plants

How much water can they store in each life unit?
a) 50 litres
b) 200 litres
c) 1500 litres
d) 10,000 litres

How much water can they use each day?
a) no more than 10 litres
b) no more than 20 litres
c) no more than 30 litres
d) no more than 50 litres

How will they make more oxygen?
a) by splitting water
b) by splitting atoms
c) by recycling 'old' air
d) they can't

Which other gas will be part of the life-unit's 'atmosphere'?
a) carbon dioxide
b) nitrogen
c) helium
d) hydrogen

What will they eat when they first arrive?
a) local plants they find on the surface of Mars
b) plants grown inside life units
c) storable food from Earth
d) none of the answers

Why is there soil on the top of their life units?
a) to grow plants
b) to protect them from radiation
c) to protect them from the heat
d) for decoration

What else will they eat apart from plants?
a) fungus and insects from Earth
b) small animals they find on the surface of Mars
c) each other
d) fruits grown on the surface of Mars

How will they 'feed' their plants?
a) using fertiliser
b) using their own body waste
c) by 'recycling' dead plants (composting)
d) using Martian soil

How many square meters of the life unit is available for plant growth?
a) 100
b) 60
c) 40
d) 80

Where will the CO2 come from needed for the plants to photosynthesis?
a) from gas containers
b) the astronauts will have to breathe on the plants for an hour each day
c) from the Martian atmosphere
d) their plants are special and won't need CO2

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