Australia: Historical Understandings Question Preview (ID: 55972)

History Of Australia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In terms of education, Aboriginal school attendance and and this rate remains very poor.
a) GNP
c) human capital
d) literacy rate

The Aborigines were people that traveled from place to place in search of food and water which means that they were a ______ tribe._
a) visiting
b) Outback
c) nomadic
d) English

Although Aborigines are protected under Australia’s constitution, they were not granted these rights until 1965.
a) freedom of the press
b) freedom of assembly
c) voting rights
d) the right to speak their native language

After the loss of its American colonies in the American Revolution, Britain began shipping its ____ to Australia
a) artisans
b) prisoners
c) natives from Latin America
d) Tassies

Superior weaponry and the unintentional transmission of ________to the continent caused the Aborigines to be defeated by the Europeans.
a) diseases like smallpox
b) bullets
c) new fruits and vegetables
d) horses

The first British colony in Australia was established near present-day _________.
a) Canberra, New South Wales
b) Alice Springs in the Northern Territory
c) Manangatang in Victoria
d) Sydney, New South Wales

In 1770, ______of England claimed the continent of Australia for the British Crown.
a) Captain Horatio Hornblower
b) General James Edward Oglethorpe
c) Captain James Cook
d) Captain Crunch

Australia’s original human inhabitants are known as the __________.
a) Aborigines
b) Mayan
c) Inuit
d) Cherokee

The Aborigines are credited with the invention of the earliest _____, ground axes, and grindstones, as well as a primitive form of rock art.
a) computer
b) boomerang
c) books
d) telescope

This disease was transmitted via European migration, which decimated the native populations of Australia and the Americas
a) smallpox
b) acne
c) eczema
d) migraines

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