History Review Question Preview (ID: 55961)

For Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is population growth?
a) When a city loses citizens over time
b) When a city gains citizens over time
c) When the people in a town grow 10 feet tall
d) None of the above

What is the natural event that blew dirt all over the southern midwest?
a) The Superbowl
b) The Soup Bowl
c) The Bowl Cut
d) The Dust Bowl

Who is the founder of the King Ranch?
a) Richard King
b) King Henry IV
c) Bob Ross
d) Prince Harry

Which of the following is a technology used by ranchers and farmers?
a) Tractors
b) Sprinklers
c) Solar Panels
d) All of the above

What natural landform largely attracted settlers?
a) Hills
b) Wal-Marts
c) Bodies of water
d) Canyons

What is the oldest settlement in Texas?
a) Nacogdoches
b) Corpus Christi
c) Waco
d) El Paso

a) A (correct)
b) B
c) C
d) D

a) A (correct)
b) B
c) C
d) D

a) A (correct)
b) B
c) C
d) D

a) A (correct)
b) A
c) B
d) D

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