Space / Life Science Vocabulary Test - Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 55939)

Space / Life Science Vocabulary Test - Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A ball of gas in space that produces its own light and heat
a) sun
b) comet
c) planet
d) star

The large celestial bodies made of rock or gases that revolve around the Sun in the solar system
a) sun
b) comet
c) planet
d) star

The star at the center of the solar system that supplies heat and light to Earth
a) sun
b) comet
c) planet
d) star

An imaginary line that the Earth rotates around
a) orbit
b) axis
c) rotation
d) revolution

The path one object takes as it revolves around another object in space
a) orbit
b) axis
c) rotation
d) revolution

The spinning of the Earth on its axis (24 hours)
a) orbit
b) axis
c) rotation
d) revolution

The time it takes the Earth to make one complete trip around the sun (365 ΒΌ days)
a) rotation
b) revolution
c) day/night cycle
d) orbit

One complete rotation of the earth in a 24 hour period
a) rotation
b) revolution
c) day/night cycle
d) orbit

Energy that allows us to see
a) electrical energy
b) light energy
c) thermal energy
d) mechanical energy

Energy that causes a transfer of heat between materials
a) electrical energy
b) light energy
c) thermal energy
d) mechanical energy

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