Zach's Lie Chapters 1-6 Question Preview (ID: 55814)

Zach's Lie. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What type of job was Mrs. Osbourne going to have in her new location?
a) a waitress at a local diner
b) a hairdresser at a beauty salon
c) a pilot
d) an owner of a book store

What was most disappointing about the home the Grangers were going to live in?
a) it was located next to a smelly city dump
b) it didn't have a yard for the children to play in
c) it was an ugly color
d) it was too small

Aunt Doris and Uncle Don spend a lot of time training the Osbournes to accept their new identities. Which of the following answers is NOT something they spent time doing together?
a) changing their accents
b) changing their appearance
c) discussing their cover story
d) changing their names

What was the Jack in the Box used for?
a) it stored the journals that Jack wrote in
b) it stored the information about the drug cartel that Mr. Osbourne knew
c) it stored the photographs of the Osbourne family
d) there wasn't a Jack in the Box

What does the following passage reveal about Mr. Osbourne? I deserve to be in prison. What I did was wrong. I gave up everything I loved and nearly got you all killed. I can't undo what I've done, but as soon as you're safe I'm going to do everyt
a) he feels anger towards the drug cartel
b) he feels sorry for himself that he is sitting alone in jail
c) he feels remorseful because he broke the law and put his family in danger
d) he no longer cared about his family

What reason did Mr. Osbourne give Jack for getting involved in drug trafficking?
a) Alonzo Alazar threatened to kill him if he didn't cooperate with the drug cartel
b) his airline company ran into financial problems and he needed the money to get out of debt
c) he wanted to buy his family more and more expensive things
d) he was tricked by Alonzo Alazar

Bender stared at Neil for a very long time. Neil met his gaze, but couldn't tell if Bender was buying his story or not. This phrase is called an idiom. What does it mean?
a) to look at someone for a long period of time
b) money that is paid in exchange for information
c) believing that something said is true
d) buying a new book

What would be sent to June Saunders to let her know the Osbourne family was safely settled into their new location?
a) a letter with no return address
b) a blank postcard
c) a text message
d) flowers

When the Osbourne family snuck out of the hotel room to a safer location, the bad guys, Berry Jones and Paul Snider, were not a threat to them. What were they doing?
a) watching television in the van
b) sleeping in the van
c) eating breakfast at a local diner
d) at the wrong hotel

The Osbournes were forbidden to do this.
a) walk close to any windows or doors
b) contact any of their friends or family
c) speak to their father
d) drive in a car

What does Alonzo Aznar do for a living?
a) he is a pilot that flies planes containing drugs
b) he runs a drug cartel
c) he is an attorney that represents drug dealers
d) he works for the government

What evidence did the agents find the Osbourne's garbage? that led them to believe
a) rope that was used to tie up the family
b) gum wrappers
c) garbage from their fast food
d) duct tape with black hair stuck to it

Which statement would convince a reader that Mr. Osbourne kept his illegal behavior a secret from his wife?
a) Patricia pounded the table and said, I just don't understand how he could get himself into something like this without my
b) They've been on Neil's trail for a year? asked Patricia. That doesn't seem possible. How could Neil...
c) We are not criminals! Patricia snapped.
d) none of these answers

What made Patricia Osbourne and June Saunders suspicious that Mr. Bender was an attorney they should not trust?
a) Mr. Bender wanted to know what the agents took from the Osbourne home
b) Mr. Bender did not want Patricia to speak to the authorities
c) no one knew the Osbourne's were at the hotel, but Mr. Bender found them there
d) none of these answers

What did Mr. Osbourne threaten to reveal to the authorties if his family were harmed?
a) the location of one of the warehouses that stores illegal drugs
b) the location of Alonzo's headquarters used to make drug deals
c) the location of the planes used to transport drugs out of Mexico
d) none of these answers

Why did men with black ski masks break into the Osbourne's home?
a) to search for the drugs in their home
b) to silence Mr. Osbourne
c) to search for valuable information
d) to find Mr. Osbourne to help them with their plan

How did Jack break both of his legs when he was just 9 years old?
a) He fell off his bike.
b) He crashed.
c) He tried to fly like a superhero.
d) He didn't break his legs.

What did Mr. Osbourne make for Jack while he was in the hospital?
a) a wooden model of a space shuttle
b) comic books
c) a model airplane
d) he baked cookies

What 2 things had Jack discovered he enjoyed while he was in the hospital?
a) writing and watching movies
b) reading and journal writing
c) reading and writing poetry
d) watching TV and playing video games

Why was Jack's sister allowed to choose her new name, but Jack couldn't
a) they thought his sister was less likely to make a mistake
b) Jack couldn't decide
c) his sister threw a temper tantrum
d) his mom always wanted to name him Zach

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