Capitalism Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 55733)

Vocabulary Words For The Capitalism Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Accumulation means...
a) to give away something
b) to gain more of something a little at a time
c) to multiply quickly
d) to divide and conquer

Capitalism means...
a) an economic system in which a country's industry and trade are controlled by private owners, not the government
b) an economic system in which the government controls trade
c) the city where the state has it's state capital
d) an economic system where everyone shares all their goods and services

Entrepreneur means...
a) someone who invests in and manages the government
b) someone who works for someone else
c) someone who invests in and manages a business
d) someone who doesn't work

Laissez-faire means
a) A French term that means pay more taxes
b) A German word that means eat more
c) Keep going, it stresses more government involvement
d) Leave it alone; it stresses limited government interference

Mercantilism means
a) an economic theory in which a country collects gold and silver and controls trade
b) an economic theory where they collect raw materials
c) an economic theory where they trade peanuts for money
d) an economic theory where every trades silver and gold for donuts

Regulate means
a) to break all the rules
b) to put gas in your car
c) to make rules for something
d) to make lines in the road

Accelerated means
a) to cause slower or less progress or development
b) to cause faster or greater progress or development
c) to go in circles
d) to go in a straight line

Emigrate means
a) to leave one country and move to another
b) to leave an agrarian society for an urban society
c) to go traveling in another country
d) to visit Spain, France and England

An example of popular culture is
a) physics and geometry
b) science and medicine
c) history and math
d) Marvel movies and anime

Self-Sufficient means
a) to take care of oneself
b) to be dependent on someone else
c) to rely on the government
d) to share all your belongs with others

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