Pathogens Question Preview (ID: 55729)

10 Questions About Pathogens. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

what pathogen is ring worm
a) fungus
b) bacteria
c) viruses
d) parasite

what pathogen is typhoid fever
a) fungus
b) parasite
c) bacteria
d) viruses

how can you spread viruses
a) contact
b) bite
c) sneeze
d) All of the above

what pathogen is NOT living
a) bacteria
b) parasite
c) virus
d) none of these

how can you stop bad bacteria from making you sick
a) biting people
b) coughing on people
c) washing hands
d) none of the above

Jeff drank from a stream when he was hiking and his stomach starting hurting and had a fever. what happened
a) he drank from water with a parasite in it
b) he didn't sleep good that night
c) he's old
d) he had the problem before he went

what pathogen is the common cold under
a) bacteria
b) virus
c) parasite
d) fungus

what pathogen is malaria under
a) bacteria
b) fungus
c) virus
d) parasite

what does a virus need to survive
a) host
b) bacteria

how do we perevent a virus
a) antibiotic
b) washing hands
c) vaccine
d) you cant

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