APUSH Unit 12, World War II And The Cold War (II) Question Preview (ID: 55723)

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What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference?
a) To agree on a policy of containment in order to slow the Communist threat
b) To create a plan to rebuild Europe; providing men, economic support, and materials
c) To divide Europe into occupation/peacekeeping area or zones
d) To create a North Atlantic defense alliance

What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?
a) To create the policy of containment in order to slow the Communist threat
b) To create a plan to rebuild Europe; providing men, economic support, and materials in order to prevent the spread of Communis
c) To divide Europe into occupation/peacekeeping area or zones
d) To create a North Atlantic defense alliance

What was the purpose of NATO?
a) To create the policy of containment in order to slow the Communist threat
b) To create a plan to rebuild Europe; providing men, economic support, and materials
c) To divide Europe into occupation/peacekeeping area or zones
d) To create a North Atlantic defense alliance opposing the Soviet Union and its client countries

What was McCarthyism?
a) Accusing someone of capitalism without evidence
b) Accusing someone of disloyalty without evidence
c) Accusing someone of dependability without evidence
d) Accusing someone of troth without evidence

What single event signaled an end to America’s technologic dominance over the Soviet Union?
a) Launching the Volina satellite
b) Launching the Cosmos satellite
c) Launching the Sputnik satellite
d) Launching the Azur satellite

What event escalated tension between the Soviet Union and US to the brink of nuclear war?
a) Shoot down of Gary Powers
b) Korean conflict
c) Berlin Airlift
d) Cuban missile crisis

What happened in China in 1949 that shocks America?
a) The government supported by the US falls to communism
b) Mao Se Tung is murdered
c) The People’s Democratic Republic of China is forced from the mainland and sets up a new government in Taiwan
d) The communist government creates a nation wide famine killing 10s of thousands.

What was another name for the Korean War?
a) The Great War
b) The Domino War
c) The Legacy War
d) The Forgotten War

How does the Soviet Union get the Atomic Bomb?
a) An American husband and wife sell secrets for the bomb to the Russians
b) Russian deep cover agents steal secret plans for the bomb
c) Russia developed their own plans for the bomb using German scientist
d) The Russians had the Hydrogen Bomb not the Atomic Bomb

Which of the following was an important cause of the Cold War?
a) The United States had a democratic, capitalist system while the Soviet Union was Communist.
b) President Harry Truman personally met with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam Conference.
c) The United States and Great Britain had invaded France and western Germany during World War II.
d) The US continued to maintain a special relationship in the Western Hemisphere.

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