Environmental Issues In Canada Question Preview (ID: 55718)

Environmental Issues In Canada. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Although this industry makes a lot of money, the processes used to extract Canada’s minerals like blasting, digging, and extracting often result in air and water pollution.
a) logging
b) mining
c) farming
d) tourism

Canada’s ___________ are a source of lumber, plywood, and wood pulp.
a) forests
b) rivers
c) mines
d) oceans

Canada’s mining industry is concentrated in this region which surrounds Hudson Bay.
a) European Plain
b) Quebecois Shield
c) Canadian Shield
d) Nunavat Shield

Heavy machinery used for this industry frequently compacts the soil of the forest floor and the growth of new trees is hindered.
a) fishing
b) logging
c) hydroelectricity
d) citrus farming

The Canadian government has passed legislation to limit the amount of mining-related pollution allowed in its waterways in an effort to protect these industries that depend on clean water.
a) fur trapping
b) fisheries and seafood
c) wheat farming
d) logging

This is the process of cutting down and completely removing all trees in a given area.
a) acid rain
b) clear cutting
c) trapping
d) forestry

Sulfur dioxide released from equipment reduces air quality, and chemical runoff from the processes used in this industry often contaminate water supplies.
a) artichoke farming
b) mining
c) service industry
d) tourism

Canada and this country will have to cooperate to fully eliminate the environmental issues affecting Canada.
a) Mexico
b) Uzbekistan
c) Alaska
d) U.S.

Vehicle exhaust and the smoke released from burning coal are released into the atmosphere and mix with water molecules forming this environmental hazard.
a) acid rain
b) oil pollution
c) clear cutting
d) deforestation

The Canadian government has passed laws calling for stronger regulation of factory and vehicle exhaust emissions and has also encouraged its citizens to use ___________.
a) rickshaws
b) public transportation
c) horses
d) semi-trucks

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