Civil War Quiz Review Question Preview (ID: 55677)

Quiz Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Results of the Supreme Court decision named ____________ was taht African Americans could not file a lawsuit, they were not US citizens and were propety.
a) Brown vs Green
b) Stanley vs Brown
c) Marbury vs Madison
d) Dred Scott vs Sanford

President Abraham Lincoln led the new _______________ Party which wanted to end the spread of slavery in the US
a) Republican
b) Democratic
c) Know Nothing Party
d) Federalist

The Compromise of 1850 allowed California to in as a free states, some states would use popular sovereignty to decide slavery issue, and the Compromise would also include a strict....
a) Slave Codes
b) Fugitive Slave Act
c) Safe Working conditions
d) working environment

Who debated with Stephen Douglas that slavery was morally, politically and socially wrong. This made him very popular in the North.
a) Davis
b) Robert E Lee
c) Lincoln
d) Ulysses S Grant

What was found unconstitutional during the Dred Scott vs Sanford court case because slaves were found to not be US citizens, but instead property?
a) Slave Codes
b) Kansas Nebraska Act
c) Fugitive Slave Act
d) Missouri Compromise

The Civil War began after confederate troops fired on what fort in South Carolina?
a) Fort Brags
b) Fort Sumter
c) Fort Meyers
d) Fort Wagner

After the Fall of Richmond, Virginia, General lee surrendered to General Grant at....
a) Charter of Connecticut
b) Appomattox Courthouse
c) Vicksburg
d) Lee's house

By allowing Kansas to decide slavery issue by popular sovereignty(voting), the outcome after more than 2oo deaths was known as what?
a) Bleeding Kansas
b) Battle of Yorktown
c) Gettysburg
d) Gold Rush

The book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed the evils of slavery that enraged the north was called what?
a) Tales of the Underground Railroad
b) Uncle Tom's Cabin
c) Little Cabin in the Woods
d) The Southern Diaries

Who graduated from West Point and became the General for the Confederacy during th3 Civil War?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Robert E Lee
c) Ulysses S Grant
d) Jefferson Davis

Robert E Lee surrendered to Ulysses S Grant at _______________________
a) Richmond
b) a courthouse
c) Washington DC
d) Appomattox Courthouse

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