The Outsiders Chapters 1-3 Question Preview (ID: 55676)

Review Of Vocabulary Words Associated With The Novel The Outsiders Covering Chapters 1-3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Aloof means
a) feeling apart
b) brave and heroic
c) a positive quality
d) filled with fright

Elite means
a) stubborn and grouchy
b) feeling apart
c) representing the best
d) coolly unconcerned

Ornery means
a) representing the best
b) showing disbelief
c) stubborn and grouchy
d) old fashioned

Gallant means
a) brave and heroic
b) feeling apart
c) showing sorrow
d) not able to be understood

Unfathomable means
a) showing disbelief
b) to look up to with much adoration
c) stubborn or grouchy
d) not able to be understood

Nonchalant means
a) brave and heroic
b) coolly unconcerned
c) nervous
d) to make fun of someone

Rarity means
a) feeling apart
b) stubborn or grouchy
c) showing sorrow
d) something not seen often

Incredulous means
a) brave and heroic
b) showing disbelief
c) shocked
d) the best

Asset means
a) a positive quality
b) something not often seen
c) unexcited
d) showing disbelief

a) showing sorrow
b) shocked or astonished
c) nervous or uneasy
d) notable or heroic acts

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