Food Webs/Chains And Energy Pyramids Question Preview (ID: 55642)

Food Webs/Chains And Energy Pyramids. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How much energy is transferred from one Trophic level to the next?
a) 0.1%
b) 1%
c) 10%
d) 100%

What do the arrows represent in a food web?
a) Who eats whom
b) Flow of energy
c) Who is the biggest and strongest
d) Direction

What is the main source of energy in a food web or Energy Pyramid?
a) Producers
b) Consumers
c) Sun
d) Decomposers

What type of organisms are producers?
a) Animals
b) Insects
c) Fungi
d) Plants

What type of organisms are consumers?
a) Plants
b) Fungi
c) Bacterial
d) Animals

What do Primary Consumers eat?
a) Producers
b) Primary Consumers
c) Secondary Consumers
d) Tertiary Consumers

What organisms are the base of a food web or energy pyramid?
a) Consumers
b) Producers
c) Decomposer
d) Carnivore

During photosynthesis producers transform radiant energy into what type of energy?
a) chemical
b) electrical
c) thermal
d) electromagnetic

Why are there less consumers at the top of an energy pyramid?
a) There is more energy
b) There is less energy
c) The energy is the same
d) There is actually no difference in the energy

How many arrows or trophic levels are a secondary consumer?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

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