Natural Resources 2 Question Preview (ID: 55640)

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Which statement about the effects of natural events and human activities is true?
a) The environment is not usually affected by natural events.
b) All human activities change the environment in a negative way.
c) Natural events always have a positive impact on the environment.
d) Human activities and natural events can damage the environment.

Pollution can enter the hydrosphere in many different ways. Which statement describes a type of point-source pollution?
a) Oil being transported on a ship spills into the ocean.
b) Grease from cars washes into a stream along the roadway.
c) Litter along beaches gets pulled into the ocean by the tide.
d) Rainwater carries chemical fertilizer from land into a stream.

There are many sources of air pollution in the United States and around the world. Some are natural sources, and others come from human activities. Which example is a natural source of air pollution?
a) car exhaust fumes
b) dust from construction sites
c) methane gas from cow manure
d) smoke from the burning of fossil fuels

Which effect of mining for resources most directly impacts the biosphere?
a) releasing dust into the air
b) increasing erosion of soil
c) adding sediment to waterways
d) destroying habitats for animals

Which example best describes how human activity can directly impact the geosphere?
a) Poor farming practices can degrade the soil and cause erosion.
b) Dumping waste from a factory into a river can pollute the water supply.
c) Construction activities can release harmful dust and chemicals into the air.
d) Removing too many fish from the ocean can cause a fish species to go extinct.

People often build structures to control how rivers flow. What is the name for the water that collects before a dam??
a) delta
b) levee
c) reservoir
d) dead zone

Which best explains why it is important for people to have clean air and water?
a) Pollutants in water and air cause climate change.
b) Air and water that are polluted taste and smell bad.
c) Crops cultivated in polluted air and water will not grow.
d) Unpolluted water and air are necessary for the health of living things.

Which of these is not a contributor to Global Climate Change?
a) Driving gas powered cars
b) point source pollution
c) factories
d) deforestation

Which of these is an example of a human activity that causes climate change?
a) burning fossil fuels
b) removing greenhouse gases
c) using alternative energy sources
d) increasing ash particles from volcanoes

Which gas in Earth’s atmosphere acts like this greenhouse?
a) argon
b) oxygen
c) nitrogen
d) carbon dioxide

Which effect is not currently considered to be caused by global climate change?
a) rising sea levels
b) reduction in Arctic sea ice
c) more severe tropical storms
d) cooling of tropical regions

Which activity would reduce human sources of greenhouse gases?
a) increasing the size of livestock herds
b) monitoring worldwide volcanic activity
c) using wind energy to generate electricity
d) researching ways to add methane to the atmosphere

Greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere. As these gases increase, which of these processes occurs and allows more heat to be trapped?
a) Ash particles in the air block sunlight.
b) Solar radiation is reflected into space.
c) Increased infrared radiation is absorbed.
d) Decreased water vapor causes less cooling of the air.

What is a carrying capacity?
a) total amount of organisms an area can support.
b) measure of population over time.
c) total number of species in a given area
d) the amount of people allowed to be in an area.

What is a population?
a) total amount of organisms an area can support.
b) measure of population over time.
c) total number of species in a given area
d) the amount of people allowed to be in an area.

What is growth rate?
a) total amount of organisms an area can support.
b) measure of population over time.
c) total number of species in a given area
d) the amount of people allowed to be in an area.

What is not a reason for the fast increase in human population over the last 200 years?
a) machines for more efficient crop production
b) improvement in health care
c) improved methods of transportation
d) better genetics

A stream that flows into a larger stream or river
a) watershed
b) tributary
c) reservoir
d) aquifer

An area that is drained into a river or stream.
a) reservoir
b) aquifer
c) watershed
d) tributary

a) preventing liquid to pass through.
b) allowing liquid to pass thrpough.
c) prevent gases from passing through.
d) removal of carbon dioxide from the air.

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