Latin America Review Question Preview (ID: 55637)

Latin America Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Entrepreneurs create an increase in GDP.
a) True
b) False

Growing enough food for you and your family is known as _____.
a) slash and burn farming
b) subsistence agriculture
c) small plot farming
d) cash crop farming

What is Cuba's top export?
a) cars
b) shoes
c) sugar
d) wheelchairs

Citizens directly vote for the head of government in this type of system.
a) Parliamentary democracy
b) Presidential democracy
c) Communist government
d) Autocratic government

Trading goods or services without using money is known as free trade.
a) true
b) false

Mexico's main source of environmental issues are from _____.
a) burning wood
b) garbage
c) burnt popcorn
d) car exhaust

The government of Mexico controls what economic sector?
a) agricultural sector
b) energy sector
c) educational sector
d) food sector

African slave labor was needed because the native peoples died from a lack of _____.
a) food
b) water
c) immunities
d) shelter

Mexico's high elevation makes the pollution problem worse.
a) True
b) False

This type of government determines economic decisions with little citizen participation.
a) democratic
b) oligarchic
c) traditional
d) autocratic

In response to Castro's takeover of Cuba, the US placed an embargo on Cuban _____.
a) cars
b) tobacco
c) sugar
d) coffee

New machinery, technology, and buildings are known as _____.
a) human capital
b) government improvements
c) infrastructure
d) capital goods

Stops all trade.
a) tariff
b) embargo
c) boycott
d) quota

Brazil's top export is _____.
a) sugar
b) tobacco
c) medicine
d) coffee

Tax on imports.
a) Embargo
b) Tariff
c) Quota
d) Boycott

Who transformed Cuba into a communist government?
a) Osama Bin Laden
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Archduke Franz Ferdinand
d) Fidel Castro

The 13 day standoff between the US and the Soviet Union over nuclear weapons was known as _____.
a) Cold War
b) World War 3
c) Cuban Missile Crisis
d) Vietnam War

Education, skills, health, and training of citizens is known as _____.
a) human capital
b) government improvements
c) infrastructure
d) capital goods

Most Brazilians live along the Amazon River.
a) True
b) False

Entrepreneurs create
a) new roads
b) new machinery
c) new bridges
d) new jobs

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