Safety Management Review Question Preview (ID: 55634)

Brief Review From Class Content And Chapter 8 Text. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What should be filled out after any injury occurring in the preschool?
a) mandatory audit
b) individualized education report
c) incident report
d) Antonelli amicus brief

When handling bodily fluids such as blood, teachers should
a) treat it as infectious and wear gloves
b) treat it as infectious and wait for emergency personnel to arrive
c) treat it as non-infectious but stop the child from playing
d) treat it as infectious, call the parent to pick up the child, and disinfect any location the child had been in during the day

Which of the following does NOT need to be in a first aid kit?
a) bandages
b) scissors
c) outlet cover
d) thermometer

One way to help ensure safe conditions in the classroom is to
a) encourage children to monitor each other's safety
b) only conduct cooking activities on Thursdays
c) use permanent markers at the art easel but not the art table
d) restrict the number of children able to participate in an activity at one time

Most childhood deaths and injuries involving toys and equipment are due to
a) falls
b) abrasions
c) poisoning
d) choking

The leading cause of death and permanent disability in children is
a) unintentional injury
b) eating glue
c) excessive screen time
d) risk management

Which of these activities requires more teacher supervision than the rest?
a) Making a smoothie for snack
b) Building a tower with cardboard bricks
c) Conducting a baking soda and vinegar experiment
d) Painting with watercolors

This term has replaced ACCIDENTS when referring to children
a) rhombus
b) instantaneous injury
c) unintentional injury
d) unacceptable injury

Safety guidelines for children must be enforced
a) as needed
b) when the teacher feels like it
c) when the teacher is away
d) consistently

If a teacher must leave the classroom area, it should be supervised by
a) the oldest, most developmentally mature child
b) occupy the children with a video/Google Meet
c) your mom
d) another responsible adult

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