Unit 13: Three, Four, Five Question Preview (ID: 55617)

Vocabulary Unit 13. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word means a long-distance race that has three parts; swimming, bicycling, and running?
a) triathlon
b) trimester
c) quartet
d) pentagon

Which word means a series of three novels?
a) monologue
b) trilogy
c) biannual
d) trident

Which word means a period of three months; one of three periods into which a school year is sometimes divided?
a) trilogy
b) multiply
c) trimester
d) pentagon

Which word means a fishing spear that has three points?
a) trilogy
b) quartet
c) quintuplet
d) trident

Which word means a flat shape that has four sides and four angles?
a) quandrangle
b) quart
c) trident
d) pentagon

Which word means a group of four singers or musicians?
a) quadrangle
b) quartet
c) trident
d) pentagon

Which word means a US customary unit of measurement for liquids?
a) pentagram
b) quadrangle
c) trilogy
d) quart

Which word means a flat shape that has five sides and five corners?
a) pentagon
b) trident
c) quintuplet
d) pentagram

Which word means a shape that is like a star with five points formed by five straight lines.
a) monologue
b) pentagram
c) quintuplet
d) pentagon

Which word means one of five babies that are born at the same time to the same mother?
a) plural
b) quartet
c) quintuplet
d) trimester

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