E - Ch. 14 Question Preview (ID: 55615)

Immigration And Reform Movements. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is NOT a result of the education reform movements?
a) Extended the school year
b) Schools were no longer segregated
c) Raised teachers pay and opened colleges to train teachers
d) Built new schools

What was the reasons that immigrant children worked alongside their parents in factories?
a) There was nobody to watch the children while parents worked.
b) The children enjoyed working with their parents.
c) They worked to help make the money to survive.
d) There was nothing else for them to do during the day.

How did escaped slaves usually travel?
a) Hidden in wagons under straw
b) Only in bad weather, when no one else would be out
c) Travel by night, hide by day
d) Only in the winter

Which of these is NOT a push factor that led immigrants to leave their home country?
a) Religious persecution
b) Poverty
c) Unjust government
d) Abundance of food

Which of these is NOT pull factor that led immigrants to want to settle in America?
a) Religious freedom
b) New Jobs
c) Unsanitary health regulations
d) Democratic government

Which of the following would most likely have supported a law prohibiting immigrants from holding public office?
a) An antisuffragist
b) A nativist
c) An abolitionist
d) An immigrant

How did William Lloyd Garrison spread the abolitionist message in the U.S.?
a) He founded and ran an anti slavery newspaper
b) He wrote novels and essays about slavery
c) He traveled around the country giving lectures
d) He started the American Colonization Society

Which of these was NOT a problem faced by cities in the mid 1800's?
a) A lack of available housing
b) High Crime rates
c) A lack of public health regulations
d) Limited public transportation

A potato famine in Europe brought a large number of which ethnic immigrants to the U.S.?
a) Jewish
b) German
c) Irish
d) Protestant

Many immigrants lived in dirty, overcrowded, and unsafe buildings known by which of the following terms?
a) Tenements
b) Condos
c) Duplex
d) Townhomes

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