Unit 10 Math-Geometry Question Preview (ID: 55596)

Geometry 3rd. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

There are two congruent squares. A line is drawn down the middle, creating 2 equal rectangles. In the second square a line is drawn, creating 2 equal triangles. Which square has bigger parts?
a) They are equal because each square is cut into two equal halves, so each part on each square is 1/2.
b) The are equal, showing 1/2 of different sized sqares.
c) The rectangle pieces are bigger because rectangles are larger than triangles.
d) The triangles are bigger because triangles are larger than rectangles.

What is the difference between a prism and a pyramid?
a) Prisms have more faces
b) Pyramids have 2 bases (ends/bottoms) and prisms only have one.
c) Pyramids have more faces
d) Prisms have 2 bases (ends/bottoms) and pyramids only have one.

Which figure has the same number of faces as a cube?
a) Rectangular Prism
b) Triangular Prism
c) Square
d) Pyramid

How many faces does a cube have?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 6
d) 12

Is a cube a polygon?
a) Yes
b) No

Is a trapezoid a polygon?
a) yes
b) no

What is a figure that has opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length?
a) Candy gram
b) polygon
c) Parallelogram
d) trapezoid

Which quadrilateral has all sides congruent but not all angles are equal?
a) Trapezoid
b) Square
c) Rectangle
d) Rhombus

What is it called where two or more sides or edges of a figure meet at a point?
a) Point
b) Vertex
c) Edge
d) Face

Which two quadrilaterals have all right (square) angles?
a) circles and squares
b) rectangles and triangles
c) trapezoids and squares
d) squares and rectangles

What quadrilateral best describes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base on a baseball field?
a) square
b) rectangle
c) trapezoid
d) hexagon

What is a closed, 2D shape that has at least 3 sides called?
a) polygon
b) hexagon
c) poly pocket
d) 3-dimensional

What is a figure that has 4 sides called?
a) hexagon
b) pentagon
c) Quadrilateral
d) triangle

What shape has 6 sides and 6 vertices?
a) pentagon
b) hexagon
c) octagon
d) decagon

What can a triangle, square, pentagon, and hexagon all be called?
a) triangles
b) quadrilaterals
c) polygons
d) 3-dimensional

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