Book 4 Lesson 11 Question Preview (ID: 55593)

Determining The Spelling Of Schwa (e Or I) In An Open Syllable, In A Multisyllable Word. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where you can go to listen to people play music in the sun.
a) festival
b) festuval
c) festaval
d) festeval

Where you go when you are very sick.
a) hospital
b) hospetal
c) hospatal
d) hosptal

Very nice clothing such as you put on for a ball.
a) elegant
b) eligant
c) elagant
d) elugant

A person who always sees the good all of the time.
a) optimist
b) optamist
c) optomist
d) optimest

When you always do the correct or the right thing for the problem
a) practical
b) practacal
c) practecal
d) pracktical

The person who runs your school
a) principal
b) princapal
c) princepal
d) princypal

A good thing that you get for free such as a dental checkup.
a) benefit
b) benifet
c) benafet
d) benufit

Where you put your pots and pans.
a) cabinets
b) cabanets
c) cabunets
d) cabinuts

Ketchup and relish are these things you put on a hot dog.
a) condiment
b) condament
c) condument
d) condement

Not a friend.
a) enemy
b) enumy
c) enamy
d) enimy

A whole in your tooth the dentist fills
a) cavity
b) cavety
c) cavaty
d) cavuty

A cat is this.
a) animal
b) anemal
c) anumal
d) anamal

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