Gel Electrophoresis Question Preview (ID: 55581)

Biology Questions About Gel Electrophoresis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In gel electrophoresis, how do we make the DNA migrate through the gel?
a) We place a negative electrode away from the wells
b) We place a positive electrode away from the wells
c) Large fragments drift to the end of the gel
d) Gravity

In gel electrophoresis, what does the gel act like?
a) A barrier
b) A gate
c) A filter
d) An open window

What do we use to cut the DNA before gel electrophoresis?
a) Helicase
b) Lipase
c) DNA polymerase
d) Restriction enzymes

Which is NOT a reason for using gel electrophoresis?
a) Comparing two sets of DNA
b) Organizing DNA in an order that we can see
c) Organizing DNA fragments from largest to smallest
d) Organizing DNA by the shape of the backbone

If we have a baby, and we know who the mother is but we want to determine the father using gel electrophoresis, how will we know we have found the father?
a) The father will match all of the DNA bands of the baby
b) The father will not match any DNA bands
c) The father will match the baby at any band where the baby does not match the mother
d) The father will match the baby at any DNA band where the baby matches the mother

Which is not true of the DNA analysis used by forensic scientists, (scientists who analyze data to help solve crimes) to identify an individual using DNA left at a crime scene?
a) Only some bands of the Crime Scene DNA need to match the Suspect DNA to identify the suspect.
b) Gel electrophoresis is used on DNA samples from the crime scene and on DNA samples taken from the suspects.
c) DNA Fingerprinting is different than using fingerprints left by the pattern of skin ridges left by touching an item.
d) Forensic scientists use restriction enzymes to cut DNA into pieces.

In gel electrophoresis, DNA is separated based on...
a) The size of the DNA fragments
b) The length of the restriction site on the DNA strand
c) The number of species represented in the DNA sample
d) The size of the cell from which the DNA was removed

What causes the DNA fragments to move through the gel?
a) The DNA fragment size
b) The attraction of the DNA to a negative charge.
c) The attraction of the DNA to a positive charge.
d) The attraction of the DNA to a neutral charge.

What charge does DNA have?
a) negative
b) positive
c) neutral
d) none

In gel electrophoresis, the smallest DNA fragments can be found...
a) Stuck in the well
b) Closest to the well
c) Farthest from the well
d) Still in the test tube

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