Wright - Vocab Week 2 Question Preview (ID: 55540)

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To kill in order to obtain meat, or to kill people or animals in large numbers or in a cruel way. Sacrificio- Matar para obtener carne o matar personas o a
a) figment
b) slaughter
c) mythical
d) Derogatory

To search through or pick over, looking for something usable. Hurgar- (v) Para buscar o elegir, buscando algo utilizable.
a) figment
b) mythical
c) scavenge
d) slaughter

Coming earlier in time, order, or importance -previo- (adj) Llegar antes en tiempo, orden o importancia
a) figment
b) mythical
c) prior
d) scavenge

Imaginary; not real. mítico (adj) imaginario; irreal.
a) figment
b) mythical
c) prior
d) slaughter

Something made up in the mind, but is not reality. producto (n) Algo hecho en la mente, pero no es la realidad.
a) figment
b) mythical
c) prior
d) slaughter

To eat up hungrily. (v) Comer con hambre.
a) astute
b) Authentic-
c) Derogatory
d) Devour

Expressing a low opinion; intended to hurt the reputation of a person or thing. despectivo- (adj) Expresar una opinión negativa; destinado a dañar la reputación de una persona o cosa.
a) astute
b) Authentic-
c) Derogatory
d) Devour

Genuine; true. Auténtico- (adj) verdadero.
a) astute
b) Authentic
c) Derogatory
d) Devour

Wise in a clever or practical way. (adj) Sabio de una manera inteligente o práctica.
a) astute
b) Authentic-
c) Derogatory
d) Devour

Being alone or at some distance from people. soledad- (n) Estar solo o a cierta distancia de las personas.
a) scavenge
b) slaughter
c) Derogatory
d) solitude

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