Math Question Preview (ID: 555)

Lines And Angles. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The unit used to measure an angle is called a
a) ray
b) angle
c) protractor
d) degree

Part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on forever in one direction is called a
a) protractor
b) ray
c) angle
d) degree

What is formed in the middle when two rays have the same endpoint?
a) angle
b) degree
c) protractor
d) ray

A tool for measuring the size of the opening of an angle is called a
a) degree
b) ray
c) protractor
d) angle

A vertex is
a) a tool for measuring the size of an angle.
b) part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on forever in one direction.
c) the unit used to measure an angle.
d) a common (the same) end point.

Lines that never cross and stay the same distance apart are called
a) intersecting lines.
b) perpendicular lines.
c) parrallel lines
d) private lines.

Lines that pass through the same point and look like an x are called
a) parallel lines.
b) private lines.
c) perpendicular lines.
d) intersecting lines.

Lines that are intersecting lines that form square corners of 90 degrees are
a) parallel lines.
b) perpendicular lines.
c) intersecting lines.
d) private lines.

What is the angle called that has 90 degrees?
a) acute
b) obtuse
c) right
d) left

What is the angle called that is SMALLER than 90 degrees?
a) obtuse
b) right
c) left
d) acute

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