Unit 2B: Adaptation And Change Question Preview (ID: 55497)
Review For Unit 2B.
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How much time might it take for a species to develop genetic diversity?
a) Right away
b) Over a short period of time
c) Over a long period of time
d) Never
When an environment changes, a species can____ to survive.
a) Adapt
b) Migrate
c) Hibernate
d) Wait for the environment to change back
______ is a change that helps a species to survive.
a) Rapid change
b) Endangerment
c) Gradual change
d) Adaptation
Which of these environmental changes happens the fastest?
a) The ocean recovering after an oil spill
b) Growth of a population
c) Tornado
d) Decomposition of a frog
Which of these environmental changes happens the most gradually?
a) An oil spill
b) Decomposition of a tree
c) Deforestation
d) Flooding
What might cause a species to go extinct?
a) Behavioral adaptations
b) Structural adaptations
c) The ability to meet the challenges of life
d) Not being able to meet the challenges of life
Which of these is a behavioral adaptation of a bird?
a) Being able to fly
b) Flying south in the winter to find more food
c) Colorful feathers
d) Sharp beak
Which of these is an example of a structural adaptation?
a) Hibernating during the winter
b) Colorful feathers to help a bird find a mate
c) A frog burrows underground during a drought
d) A lioness teaches her cub how to hunt
How might farming affect the environment?
a) Higher temperatures in the air
b) More habitats for animals
c) More food available for wildlife
d) Soil erosion
How might an increase in carbon dioxide affect the ecosystem?
a) There would be no change
b) The temperatures would fall and become colder
c) The temperatures would increase and become warmer
d) Plants would begin to grow at a faster rate
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