Chapter 8 Lesson 3- Alexander's Empire Question Preview (ID: 55489)

Reviews Key Vocabulary And Main Ideas. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What happened to Alexander's empire after he died?
a) It collapsed and the Persians regained power
b) It was divided amongst his four greatest generals
c) The Romans conquered it
d) It lasted for several centuries as a united empired

What happens to Alexander after he returns to Babylon in 323 BCE?
a) he is declared a living god
b) he is declared king of the Persian Empire
c) he becomes ill and dies
d) he declares his son the next king

What is the Hellenistic Era?
a) when Greek women began modeling themselves after Helen of Troy
b) the time period following the death of Helen of Troy, and the end of the Trojan Wars
c) the time period when Alexander's empire was the strongest
d) the time period following the death of Alexander, and Greek culture spread throughout the world

After conquering Persia, where did Alexander head next?
a) northwestern India
b) northeastern Africa
c) southwest Asia
d) he returned to Macedonia

Who became king after Philip II?
a) Philip III
b) Darius III
c) Alexander
d) Demosthenes

What is cavalry?
a) soldiers who fight in horse-drawn carts used in battle
b) part of an army in which the soldiers ride horses
c) soldiers who fight using slings, and are lightly armored
d) part of an army in which the soldiers fight in a box formation

After conquering all of Greece, what did Philip II hope to do next?
a) ensure that the Greeks would not rebel
b) lead the Macedonians and Greeks against the Persians
c) spread the idea of democracy around his empire
d) ensure that his son would have no rivals for the thrown

After Philip became king of Macedonia, what did he plan to do?
a) conquer all of Greece
b) conquer all of Europe
c) expand Macedonia into Italy
d) turn Macedonia into the strongest naval power

What famous city gets built in Egypt around 331 BCE?
a) Athens
b) Cairo
c) Alexandria
d) Alexandropolis

Who did Alexander leave his empire to?
a) his son
b) his greatest general
c) 'to the strongest'
d) his brother

At which battle did Alexander finally defeat the Persians?
a) Granicus
b) Gaugamela
c) Issus
d) Thermopylae

Which Persian emperor was defeated by Alexander the Great?
a) Darius I
b) Xerxes I
c) Cyrus II
d) Darius III

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