Mitosis CQE3 Questions Question Preview (ID: 55460)

Mitosis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In this phase of mitosis, chromatids are pulled apart and move away towards opposite ends of the cell
a) Prophase
b) Metaphase
c) Anaphase
d) Telophase

In this phase of mitosis, 2 cells can start to be seen
a) Prophase
b) Metaphase
c) Anaphase
d) Telophase

In this phase of mitosis, the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
a) Prophase
b) Anaphase
c) Metaphase
d) Telophase

In mitosis,
a) 2 genetically different cells are made
b) 2 genetically identical cells are made
c) 4 genetically identical cells are made
d) 4 genetically different cells are made

A cell spends most of its life in which phase?
a) Cytokinesis
b) Anaphase
c) Prophase
d) Interphase

What is the correct order of MITOSIS?
a) Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase
b) Telophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Prophase
c) Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis
d) Telophase, cytokinesis, interphase

What happens during G1 and G2 of interphase?
a) The cell grows
b) The cell divides
c) DNA is replicated
d) 2 cells are formed

The S phase in interphase is when
a) DNA is replicated in the cell
b) The cell grows
c) The chromosomes move away from each other
d) The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

What happens during all of interphase?
a) The cell divides
b) The cell grows and DNA is replicated
c) The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
d) One cell becomes 2 cells

In this phase of mitosis, spindles fibers form and centrioles begin to move to opposite sides of the cell
a) Prophase
b) Metaphase
c) Anaphase
d) Telophase

During mitosis, if the parent cell had 8 chromosomes, the 2 daughter cells would have
a) 4 chromosomes
b) 8 chromosomes
c) 16 chromosomes
d) 12 chromosomes

Cancer occurs when cells can't control their
a) size
b) spindle fibers
c) surface area
d) growth rate

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