Civil War Review Question Preview (ID: 55447)

Civil War Game. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In the 1840's the slaves were mostly in the
a) South
b) North
c) West
d) East

The Underground Railroad helped slaves
a) Work harder
b) learn to read
c) escape
d) get jobs

Harriet Tubman was
a) a writer
b) a nurse
c) a conductor on the Underground Railroad
d) a doctor

During the Civil War, the North was called
a) the Union
b) the Confederacy
c) Dixie land
d) Red coats

Another name for a Southerner was
a) Yankee
b) Rebel
c) Blue Coat
d) Gray Jackets

The Southern Confederate army was commanded by
a) Robert E. Lee
b) Ulysses S. Grant
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Clara Barton

The President of the United States (Union) during the Civil War was
a) George Washington
b) Andrew Jackson
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Jefferson Davis

Clara Barton was
a) a leader of the Underground Railroad.
b) The Angel of the Battlefield
c) A spy for the South
d) A slave owner

The Emancipation Proclamation
a) freed slaves in the North
b) freed slaves in the South
c) was a speech that Abraham Lincoln gave
d) was part of the Underground railroad

Why did Southern states secede?
a) they wanted new slaves to be brought in
b) they wanted slaves to have their freedom
c) they wanted new states to have the choice to be free states or slave states
d) they wanted new states to be free states

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