Lacrosse Test Review Question Preview (ID: 55436)

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Which Position plays strictly offense?
a) Defenseman
b) Goalie
c) Middie
d) Attack

Which Position plays strictly defense?
a) Attack
b) Coach
c) Defenseman
d) Goalie

Which position stops the ball from going in the goal?
a) Water Boy
b) Goalie
c) Attack
d) FaceOff

How many players does it take to field a game?
a) 10
b) 12
c) 8
d) 15

What color are game lacrosse balls for males?
a) Yellow
b) Green
c) Blue
d) White

How long is a lacrosse field?
a) 110 yards
b) 63 feet
c) 12 kilometers
d) I have no clue

Who is in charge of the players during a game?
a) Parents
b) Head Coach
c) Water Boy
d) Your dog

What does every lacrosse game start with to determine the position?
a) Kickoff
b) Touchdown
c) Face Off
d) Tip Off

How do you win in overtime?
a) 1st Goal wins
b) Whoever has more points after 5 mintues
c) What is overtime?
d) Lacrosse is a sport?

What are the people called that officiate the game?
a) Zebras
b) Striped People
c) Referees
d) Mean People

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