Ancient Greece Quiz Question Preview (ID: 55422)

Ancient Greece. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

At what age did boys begin their training in Sparta?
a) 7 years old
b) 9 years old
c) 10 years old
d) 13 years old

Who was Aristotle?
a) An Olympic winner
b) A musician
c) An artist
d) A philosopher

In what city were the first Olympic games held?
a) Troy
b) Sparta
c) Olympia
d) Athens

What were olives used for?
a) Oil for cooking
b) Oil for lamps
c) As a moisturizer
d) All of the above

The ancient Greeks had a democracy in athens. Who below could become a citizen?
a) A merchant who was born in Persia
b) An 18-year-old male born in athens, whose parents were also born in Athens
c) A 33-year-old female born in Athens
d) A 43-year-old male born in Sparta

What are the two main types of Greek plays?
a) Comedy and action
b) Tragedy and comedy
c) Horror and comedy
d) Tragedy and romance

What is a peninsula
a) An area of land that has water on two sides
b) A river that flows through land
c) A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides
d) A body of water

Ancient Greeks were polytheistic. What does this mean?
a) They believed in one goddess
b) They believed in many gods and goddesses
c) They believed in one God
d) They believe in many gods

Athens was known for:
a) They're beautiful architecture and buildings
b) Invention of paper
c) Invention of the plow
d) They're harsh Warriors

The Parthenon was a temple to honor?
a) Zeus
b) Poseidon
c) Athena
d) Hera

The Greeks were excellent shipbuilders. Why?
a) They were surrounded by water on three sides
b) They were many mountains so traveling by land was difficult
c) They were on an island
d) Both A and B

Alexander the Great was the king of ancient greece. He conquered many lands including all of the following except
a) Asia Minor
b) Israel
c) Syria
d) Greece

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