Science Review Chapters 7-9 Question Preview (ID: 55416)

Three R's, Natural Resources, Renewable And Nonrenewable Resources, Living Things, Animal Classification. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are the three R's to help our planet?
a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
b) Review, Rewrite, Respond
c) Ready, Run, Ride
d) Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Which of these is a natural resource?
a) water
b) houses
c) playground
d) tacos

Which natural resource is NOT renewable?
a) Fossil Fuels
b) Water
c) Air
d) Plants

All living things need food, water, air, space, and _______.
a) shelter
b) soil
c) toys
d) rocks

Which of these is NOT a living thing?
a) rock
b) human
c) tree
d) germs

Animals can be classified by whether or not the have a _________.
a) backbone
b) exoskeleton
c) lungs
d) wings

What are 2 things do both insects and spiders have?
a) abdomen and a hard outside covering
b) wings and antennae
c) 8 legs and cephalothorax
d) spinnerets and 6 legs

Animals with a back bone can be classified as_____________.
a) birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and fish
b) insects and spiders
c) living things and nonliving things
d) lions, and tigers, and bears

A food chain Always starts with the ______.
a) sun
b) plants
c) meat eater
d) plant eater

All living things grow and _______.
a) change
b) move
c) bloom
d) stay the same

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