Force Question Preview (ID: 55397)

Types Of Force. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

It is the amount of matter in an object.
a) mass
b) gravity
c) weight
d) length

It is the amount of gravity pulling you down.
a) mass
b) weight
c) gravity
d) length

Why does the ball fall down when you leave it? because of
a) mass
b) gravity
c) length
d) height

The scientist who discovered gravity, his name is ..................... .
a) Isaac Newton
b) Graham Bell

The unit of measuring force is .................... .
a) kg
b) g
c) N
d) cm

The tool used to measure force is the ......................... .
a) ruler
b) force meter
c) scale
d) balance

When you move an object away from you, you are.................... it.
a) pushing
b) pulling
c) gravity
d) weight

When you move an object close to you, you are.................... it.
a) pushing
b) pulling
c) gravity
d) weight

Force is push and pull.
a) True
b) False

When you move an object gently, it will move very fast.
a) True
b) False

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