The Lady Or The Tiger? Question Preview (ID: 55394)

Comprehension And Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In the king's arena, guilt and innocence are determined by
a) reason
b) chance
c) the onlookers
d) the king's mood

The king's method of administering justice is popular with his subjects mainly because
a) it promotes law and order
b) it involves suspense and spectacle.
c) it usually involves a bloody slaughter.
d) the results are always pleasing to the audience.

According to the story, what could bring about the young man's marriage to the princess?
a) nothing
b) the young man's admission of guilt
c) the young man's defeat of the tiger in combat
d) the young man's refusal to marry the lady behind the door

The young man looks at the princess in order to
a) defy the king.
b) get information.
c) prove his courage.
d) try to influence her.

In opening the door that he opens, the young man mainly displays his
a) innocence of the charges against him.
b) preference for the princess over the lady.
c) preference for the lady over the princess.
d) willingness to let the princess decide his fate.

A novel way of doing something is
a) fresh and original.
b) familiar and trusted.
c) dull and old-fashioned.

What emanates from most flowers?
a) soil.
b) bees.
c) scent.

A fervent feeling is one that is
a) intense.
b) painful.
c) sympathetic.

A person who behaves in an imperious way could be called
a) shy.
b) bossy.
c) courageous.

One person whose job requires him or her to be impartial is a
a) soldier.
b) lawyer.
c) referee.

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