French And Indian War Question Preview (ID: 55388)

French And Indian War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The three main world powers in 1750 were-
a) England, Spain and France
b) England, Spain and Italy
c) Spain, England and Germany
d) England, United States and Canada

The western border of the New World colonies was-
a) The Appalachian Mountains
b) The Mississippi River
c) The Atlantic Ocean
d) The Columbian Mountains

English settlers started taking over __?___ with the Native Americans.
a) trade
b) money
c) slaves
d) animals

Fighting broke out in -
a) 1754
b) 1767
c) 1763
d) 1674

The Huron and the Algonquin fought on the side of the -
a) French
b) Americans
c) English
d) Spanish

The English fought on the side of the -
a) Iroquois
b) Algonquin
c) Kwakiutl
d) Huron

The War ended in -
a) 1763
b) 1764
c) 1758
d) 1754

The _______________ won the French and Indian War
a) English
b) French
c) Indians
d) Americans

To cover the cost of the French and Indian War, The British taxed the
a) Colonies
b) French
c) Native Americans
d) African Slaves

The taxation caused the colonists to _________ the British King George III.
a) resent
b) appreciate
c) represent
d) embrace

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