Demonstrative And Interrogative Pronouns Question Preview (ID: 55371)

Identify 2 Types Of Pronouns. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Find the interrogative pronoun: What happened to you yesterday?
a) you
b) what
c) the
d) to

Find the interrgogative pronoun: Who is the person performing tonight?
a) the
b) person
c) who
d) tonight

Find the interrogative Pronoun: Whom did Thomas call last night?
a) did
b) last
c) call
d) whom

Find the interrogative Pronoun: Whose was left on this table?
a) whose
b) left
c) was
d) on

Find the interrogative pronoun: Whom did you take with you to the store?
a) you
b) whom
c) did
d) the

Find the demonstrative pronoun: Where did I put those yesterday?
a) where
b) I
c) those
d) yesterday

Find the demonstrative pronoun: I would like to fix that by the end of today.
a) end
b) fix
c) that
d) I

Find the demonstrative pronoun: Place those in the new lab by tomorrow.
a) the
b) those
c) new
d) lab

Find the demonstrative pronoun: I really don't understand this!
a) I
b) really
c) understand
d) this

Find the demonstrative ADJECTIVE: That does not go with those books on the shelf.
a) that
b) does
c) those
d) with

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