The Cell Cycle Question Preview (ID: 55340)

Cell Cycle/mitosis. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The material, composed mostly of protein and DNA, that makes up the nucleus.
a) Chromatin
b) Cytoplasm
c) Chromatids
d) Spindles

The splitting of a cell in two.
a) Cytokinesis
b) Mitosis
c) Replication
d) Osmosis

What is the purpose of the spindle fibers produced in Prophase?
a) Gives the chromatids a place to attach.
b) Replaces the nuclear membrane
c) Used in the formation of chromosomes.
d) Show the centrioles where to form.

The area where the plasma membrane begins to pinch inward before cytokinesis occurs.
a) Cleavage furrow
b) Nuclear membrane
c) Cell plate
d) The henway

In Anaphase, after the chromatids separate and move to opposite ends, what happens to the centrioles and spindle fibers.
a) They disappear
b) They change back into chromatin
c) They form the nuclear membrane
d) They undergo cytokinesis

In which phase of Mitosis do the chromatids attach to the spindle fibers along the cell's equator?
a) Metaphase
b) Anaphase
c) Prophase
d) Telophase

When the two new daughter cells are formed, what do they immediately begin doing?
a) Growing
b) Cytokinesis
c) Replicating DNA
d) The Stanky Leg

What structures move to opposite ends of the cell to indicate to the spindle fibers where to form?
a) Centrioles
b) Chromosomes
c) Chromatids
d) Chromatin

A step by step process in which the cell is preparing to divide into 2 identical cells.
a) Mitosis
b) Cytokinesis
c) Cell Cycle
d) Replication

The twin chromosomes formed during Interphase.
a) Chromatids
b) Chromatin
c) Centrioles
d) Thing 1 and Thing 2

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