Animal Reproduction And Behavior Question Preview (ID: 55307)

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Instincts are behaviors that are unique to a species and are learned by an animal from its parents. (Trues/False)
a) True
b) False

Instect exoskelotons are nonliving and cannot grow larger. (True / False)
a) True
b) False

Why might animals communicate aggression
a) to claim food resources
b) to establish a territory
c) to maintain dominance
d) to accomplish all the above

Chemicals that are released by animal and that affect other animals of the same species are called
a) biluminescence
b) relexes
c) hormones
d) pheromones

The first night the raccoons raided the garbage cans, it took them twenty minutes to get the cans open. Now they can do the job in seconds. This achievement is an example of
a) an instinct
b) a learned behavior
c) reflex
d) pheromones

An animal is born with
a) learned behavior
b) imprinting
c) innate behavior
d) all the above

Incubation is a type of
a) caring for young offspring
b) communication
c) metamorphosis
d) providing nutrients to offsprings

Which stage is a resting stage of metamorphosis?
a) Larva
b) nymph
c) pupa
d) tadpole

The zygote of a mammal develops in a special structure called an
a) egg
b) ovary
c) pupa
d) uterus

Which types of animals generally produce hundreds or thousands of gamets?
a) those that reproduce by external ferilization
b) those that reproduce by interal fertilization
c) those that undergo metamorphosis
d) those that incubate their offspring

Animals that lay eggs use which kind of development?
a) external
b) internal
c) metamorphosis
d) placental

Fertilization occurs when
a) two gametes unite
b) two haploid cells come together and form a diploid cell
c) a zygote is formed.
d) any of the above descriptions occur

Which of the following is not a gamete?
a) egg
b) ovary
c) sperm
d) all the above are gametes

Which of the following organs produce sperm?
a) Testes
b) haploids
c) ovaries
d) zygotes

An animal fight over territory is most often a fight to the death.
a) True
b) False

male organs that produce gametes
a) yolk
b) ovaries
c) testes
d) sperm

provides the nutrients to offspring
a) zygotes
b) placenta
c) yolk
d) sperm

female organs that produce gamets
a) ovaries
b) placenta
c) eggs
d) zygotes

male gametes
a) testes
b) zygote
c) sperm
d) yolk

female gametes
a) eggs
b) ovary
c) placenta
d) zygote

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