King Of Mazy May Question Preview (ID: 55297)

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What happened to Walt's lead dog?
a) It was struck by a bullet.
b) It bit the men as they attacked Walt
c) It stopped suddenly.

What happened to Si Hartman's claim?
a) It was claim jumped while he was moose hunting .
b) It was claimed jumped while he was on the way to record it.
c) He gave it away.

What is the setting of the story?
a) Mazy May Creek, winter
b) Mazy May Creek, summer
c) Canada, spring
d) Alaska, 1887

In short, it was an old story, and quite a number of earnest INDUSTRIOUS prospectors had suffered similar losses. What does industrious mean?
a) hard-working
b) mechanical
c) hunting
d) lazy

The creek wound back and forth like a snake. This is an example of a
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) personification
d) alliteration

And because of what Walt Master did on this night, the men of the Yukon have become very proud of him. This statement refers to the ______________
a) resolution
b) falling action
c) rising action
d) climax

What character trait best describes Walt at the end of the story?
a) mature
b) cowardly
c) simple
d) jaded

What is the climax of the story?
a) The 5 claim jumpers find Loren Hall's land.
b) Walt's father goes prospecting.
c) The claim jumpers shoot at Walt.
d) Walt is called the King of Mazy May.

At this space they remained, a black speck of motion on the white river-beast. This is an example of _______
a) imagery
b) onomatopoeia
c) personification
d) foreshadowing

Who does Walt come across at Swede Creek?
a) Loren Hall
b) His Father
c) The claim jumpers
d) his father and Loren Hall

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