Romeo And Juliet ACT 3 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 55292)

Romeo And Juliet ACT 3 Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Apt means...
a) appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.
b) a man's short close-fitting padded jacket, commonly worn from the 14th to the 17th century.
c) a ribbon.

Doublet means....
a) a man's short close-fitting padded jacket, commonly worn from the 14th to the 17th century.
b) a ribbon.
c) appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.

Riband means...
a) a ribbon.
b) a man's short close-fitting padded jacket, commonly worn from the 14th to the 17th century.
c) appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.

Quarrel means...
a) a heated argument or disagreement, typically about a trivial issue and between people who are usually on good terms.
b) a rough or noisy fight or quarrel.
c) of a person given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.

Moody means...
a) of a person given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
b) a heated argument or disagreement, typically about a trivial issue and between people who are usually on good terms.
c) a rough or noisy fight or quarrel.

Brawl means...
a) a rough or noisy fight or quarrel.
b) of a person given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
c) a heated argument or disagreement, typically about a trivial issue and between people who are usually on good terms.

Discord means...
a) variance mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.
b) nonsense.
c) special uniform worn by a servant or official.
d) relate to; concern.

Fiddlestick means...
a) nonsense.
b) special uniform worn by a servant or official.
c) relate to; concern.
d) variance mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.

Livery means...
a) relate to; concern.
b) variance mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.
c) special uniform worn by a servant or official.
d) nonsense.

Appertain means....
a) nonsense.
b) special uniform worn by a servant or official.
c) relate to; concern.
d) variance mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.

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