Prokaryotic VS Eukaryotic Cells Question Preview (ID: 55262)

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Which of the following characteristics is true of all organisms?
a) are composed of at least one cell
b) have an organized cell nucleus
c) have a cell wall
d) can create their own energy

Which of the following is made of cells?
a) ocean water
b) glass bowl
c) oak tree
d) cement sidewalk

A virus does not have a nucleus or other cell parts and is not considered to be a cell. Viruses can remain dormant for many years and can come out of dormancy when they enter the right environment. Why is a virus not considered living?
a) It kills the host cells
b) It is not made from cells
c) The virus has complex DNA
d) It has the ability to be dormant

Scientists believe that all life on Earth is related and probably comes from a single ancestor. Which of the following contributes to the theory that all life comes from a similar ancestor?
a) All life can perform photosynthesis
b) All life has the ability to think
c) All life is made from cells
d) All life has the ability to communicate

Which of the following things is common to all living organisms?
a) They all are composed of cells.
b) They all have cells that are specialized for many different types of functions.
c) They all have cells surrounded by cell walls.
d) They all have the same kinds of structures inside each of their cells.

The basic units of structure and function for both plants and animals are
a) cells.
b) organs.
c) systems.
d) tissues.

Which must be present in order for something to be classified as an organism?
a) nucleus
b) organ
c) cell
d) organelle

What is the best reason that fire is NOT considered a living organism?
a) It requires oxygen to burn.
b) It requires fuel to burn.
c) It can move from place to place.
d) It is not composed of cells.

What do prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have in common?
a) Both have a nucleus.
b) Both have a cell wall.
c) Both have genetic material.
d) Both have chlorophyll.

Bacteria cells lack a true nucleus. A bacteria cell is considered to be which of the following cell types?
a) fungal cells
b) prokaryotic cells
c) eukaryotic cells
d) viral cells

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