Latin America History 2 Question Preview (ID: 55236)

Latin American History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The former USSR supported what Communist Latin American island country and its leader, Fidel Castro?
a) Cuba
b) Haiti
c) Hispaniola
d) Puerto Rico

_______________were priests and other followers sent from Europe by the Roman Catholic Church to convert the natives in the new world to Christianity.
a) Prophets
b) Rabbis
c) Missionaries
d) Conquistadors

Lasting effects of slavery in Latin America include the large ________________, as well as African culture, food, and religion.
a) Afro-Caribbean population
b) diseases
c) French population
d) Asian population

In 1962, the __________began to install nuclear missiles in Cuba capable of striking the US. This caused 13 days of tense negotiations with the United States in a confrontation that was called the Cuban Missile Crisis.
a) Kazakhstan
b) Vietnam
c) China

What is the official language of Brazil, the largest country in Latin America?
a) Spanish
b) French
c) English
d) Portuguese

________ is the state of being extremely poor and not having enough money to meet basic needs like food, clean water, clothing, housing, and toilets.
a) Poverty
b) Cubano
c) Personne
d) Pessoa

Many Latin Americans travel to the ________in search of better jobs, an education, better housing, and a chance to improve their lives.
a) France
b) Cuba
c) United States
d) Russia

A _____________ is a violent criminal organization that traffics drugs.
a) club
b) familia
c) cartel
d) famille

_________ is the movement of people within or across a country’s borders.
a) Migration
b) Road trip
c) Embargo
d) Tariff

Because of Cuba's Communist government and poor human rights record, the U.S. has an ________________ against Cuba and does not buy or sell any goods or services there.
a) quotas
b) import
c) tariff
d) embargo

Fidel Castro became dictator and established a _____________ government in Cuba.
a) traditional
b) market
c) Communist
d) Democratic

In 1959, _______ led a revolution in Cuba to overthrow dictator Fulgencio Bautista’s government and established himself as leader.
a) Fidel Castro
b) Che Guevara
c) Cesar Chavez
d) Jon Huertas

69% of all Latin Americans are _____________ because missionaries primarily from Spain and Portugal were sent by this church to convert the natives.
a) Protestant
b) Roman Catholic
c) Muslim
d) Jewish

Most of Latin America was colonized by Spain and Portugal, so __________ and ________ are the most common languages spoken.
a) French and Spanish
b) Spanish and Portuguese
c) Dutch and French
d) English and German

Europeans brought ________ over from Africa because most of the natives in Latin America had died off due to European diseases.
a) missionaries
b) food
c) animals
d) slaves

Many natives in Latin America died due to ____________ brought over by the Europeans against which they had no immunity.
a) guns
b) diseases
c) immunity
d) accidents

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