APUSH Unit 10 - Progressive Era (II) Question Preview (ID: 55203)

Part II. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Nineteenth-century nativist organizations advocated —
a) limiting federal military power through the organization of local militias
b) conserving natural resources through the creation of national parks
c) globalizing the economy through participation in free-trade agreements
d) promoting an ethnically homogeneous society through restrictions on immigration

Which of these contributed to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment?
a) Veteran soldiers protesting to obtain benefits
b) The growing political influence of women
c) Politicians campaigning for education reform
d) The growing number of workers organizing into labor unions

The Black American migration to the urban North during the First World War was due primarily to
a) racially integrated residential neighborhoods in Northern cities
b) increased educational opportunities resulting from affirmative-action programs
c) expanded job opportunities in Northern factories
d) encouragement by White Protestant churches in the North

How did W. E. B. Du Bois combat prejudice
a) He demanded the passage of women’s suffrage.
b) He established the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to fight for equal rights.
c) He advocated making political compromises with segregationist
d) He sought court orders to protect the rights of voters

Many Progressives opposed social Darwinism because it promoted the idea that —
a) people in lower classes were not capable of economic success
b) immigration weakened national unity
c) the government should take responsibility for the well-being of people
d) poverty could be eradicated through increased economic regulation

What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve Act?
a) Create a national bank
b) Monitor the federal gold depositories
c) Ensure money was backed by the gold system
d) Allowed for swift manipulation of money supply in response to economic crises

How did Wilson get re-elected in 1916?
a) Platform reminding Americans he kept the US out of WW I
b) Support from the West and midWest due to his progressive reforms
c) None are correct, Wilson lost in 1916.
d) Platform pushing America into the war due to economic alliances with the Allies

What was Wilson’s “New Freedom” policy?
a) Stronger anti-trust laws; tariff reductions
b) Favored free market, no government regulation
c) Rejected social welfare programs
d) All

Who was more more aggressive in “trust busting”; TR or Taft?
a) TR
b) Taft
c) Neither was effective
d) Both had about the same success

How were the Democrats able to win the election of 1908?
a) TR split the Republican Party
b) Wilson won on a popular majority
c) The House of Representative had to decide to due a tie
d) The Republicans under Taft won the 1908 election, Wilson won in 1912 because TR split the Republican party.

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