APUSH Unit 10 - Progressive Era Question Preview (ID: 55202)

Part I. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What term was used to describe Taft’s foreign policy?
a) Dollar Diplomacy
b) Talk softly and carry a big stick
c) New Deal
d) New Nationalism

How did President T. Roosevelt help conservation?
a) Put pollution restrictions on manufacturers
b) Created the Environmental Protection Agency
c) Set aside land for national parks
d) Supported state creation of a park system

This Amendment to the Constitution led to the creation of a graduated, federal income tax.
a) Sixteenth Amendment
b) Seventeenth Amendment
c) First Amendment
d) Fifteenth Ammendment

Which of these were part of President T. Roosevelt's “Square Deal”?
a) Conservation and coercion
b) Conservation and control of corporations
c) Control of corporations and consumer buying
d) Consumer protection and control of foreign trade

This Amendment to the Constitution led to the direct election of Senators
a) 14th
b) 15th
c) 16th
d) 17th

'Resolved; that we the officers and members of the National Woman Suffrage Association....respectfully ask Congress to enact appropriate legislation...women citizens...right to vote' Ideas expressed in this resolution were made into reality by-
a) Sixteenth Amendment
b) Nineteenth Amendment
c) Sherman Antitrust Act
d) Federal Reserve Act

Progressive Era reformers sought to expand voter participation in government by adopting-
a) The initiative and referendum
b) Additional poll taxes
c) Tougher literacy tests
d) A civil service system

How did the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle contribute to a change in the relationship between government and business?
a) Federal troops were mobilized to break strikes by labor unions
b) Government regulations requiring the inspection of food products were implemented.
c) Congress created a regulatory agency to audit railroads
d) Laws were enacted that banned private companies from discriminating when hiring

What group rallied to the Progressive movement and reporting the injustices of business and the corruption in American society?
a) Yellow journalist
b) Rabble rousers
c) Muckrakers
d) Mudslingers

What did the Progressives want to achieve?
a) More involvement of the government in everyday life
b) Wanted government actively involved protecting poor and needy
c) Wanted government to nationalize business in order to regulate it
d) Wanted to create a socialist government to ensure the livelihood of Americans

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