Vocabulary Lesson 17 Question Preview (ID: 55194)

Vocabulary Words From Lesson 17. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a person who settles and lives on someone else’s property
a) squatter
b) memento
c) confiscate
d) abolish

a small dagger with a narrow blade
a) epilogue
b) stiletto
c) quack
d) squatter

to intentionally destroy, especially a ship by opening holes in the hull
a) derrick
b) exhume
c) scuttle
d) stiletto

an untrained person who pretends to be a doctor and treats patients
a) abut
b) censor
c) confiscate
d) quack

without thought or preparation
a) abolish
b) oblivious
c) offhand
d) squatter

completely unaware
a) derrick
b) oblivious
c) offhand
d) scuttle

an end or decline, as in progress
a) lapse
b) exhume
c) memento
d) squatter

a reminder
a) censor
b) epilogue
c) lapse
d) memento

to dig up something buried
a) quack
b) exhume
c) abolish
d) oblivious

a final section of a book or a play, usually offering a commentary
a) oblivious
b) memento
c) epilogue
d) censor

a structure used to hoist equipment over a hole
a) exhume
b) abut
c) stiletto
d) derrick

to delete or hide things that are considered unacceptable or morally wrong
a) quack
b) offhand
c) squatter
d) censor

to seize property as a penalty
a) confiscate
b) exhume
c) abolish
d) squatter

to border on; to be next to
a) lapse
b) abut
c) oblivious
d) exhume

to do away with, especially a law or a custom
a) abolish
b) memento
c) derrick
d) lapse

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