Ch. 10-12 Nervous System Test Question Preview (ID: 55193)

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The nervous system
a) consist of the central nervous system
b) consist of the peripheral nervous system
c) made up of neurons that relays and receives messages about the body's activities
d) all of these

The gaps between the axons and dentrities
a) synapses
b) nerves
c) cell body
d) stapes

___neurons conduct impulses from the CNS to muscles and glands
a) motor
b) sensory

A nerve impulse is an _____ signal
a) magnetic
b) symbolic
c) electrochemical
d) mixed

_____ are peripheral neurons that carry impulses to responding structures, such as muscles or glands that affect change in the body.
a) somatics
b) effectors
c) affectors
d) reflexors

The division of the PNS that regulates motor functions of the skeletal muscles
a) autonomatic
b) somatic
c) sympathetic

The division of the PNS that regulates involuntary activities.
a) autonomic
b) somatic
c) parasympathetic

The division of the nervous system that maintains activities when the body is at rest(low heart rate, digestion, ect.)
a) autonomic
b) somatic
c) sympathetic
d) parasympathetic

Reflex is an automatic reaction to a stimulus and does not include the
a) nerves
b) brain
c) involuntary movement

Pathological conditions of the nervous system
a) Epilepsy
b) Parkinson's
c) Multiple Sclerosis
d) all of these

The colored portion of the eye
a) rods
b) cones
c) lens
d) iris

Another name for the ear bone anvil
a) incus
b) stirrup
c) stapes

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