Balanced Vs. Unbalanced Forces Question Preview (ID: 55179)

A Review For The Forces Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What happens to the direction of an object as an unbalanced force acts on it?
a) It doesn’t change direction at all.
b) It moves in the opposite direction of the force.
c) It moves in the same direction of the force.

What happens to the position of an object as an unbalanced force acts on it?
a) it causes movement (position will change)
b) it causes gravity
c) it causes no change

A race car accelerating around a turn
a) balanced
b) unbalanced

What happens to the speed of an object as an unbalanced force acts on it?
a) It increases
b) It decreases
c) It increases or decreases
d) it stays the same

A book sitting on a table.
a) Balanced
b) Unbalanced

A downhill skier
a) Balanced
b) Unbalanced

The moon orbiting the Earth an a constant speed.
a) balanced
b) unbalanced

Force is measured in ______________________.
a) volts
b) amperes
c) Newtons
d) m/s

To find the net force of two objects moving in opposite directions you would ______________________ their forces.
a) add
b) subtract
c) multiply
d) divide

The total amount of all the forces on an object is called the __________________________.
a) force
b) net force
c) Newtons

An object at rest or moving at a constant speed and in a straight line is being acted on by _______________________ force/s.
a) balanced
b) unbalanced

A(n) ____________________ force always causes a change in position, speed or direction of an object.
a) balanced
b) unbalanced

To find the net force of two objects moving at the same direction you would ____________ their forces.
a) add
b) subtract
c) multiply
d) divide

An object at rest needs an unbalanced force in order to move.
a) True
b) False

A push or a pull is the definition of a force.
a) True
b) False

How can you tell if the forces acting on an object are balanced?
a) A. Motion changes
b) B. Motion does not change
c) C. The net force is zero.
d) D. Both B and C

How can you tell if the forces acting on an object are unbalanced?
a) A. The motion changes
b) B. The motion does not change
c) C. The net force equals zero
d) D. Both B and C

Sam is pushing a box 10 N to the right while Tom is pushing the box 12 N to the left. What is the net force?
a) 10 N to the right
b) 12 N to the left
c) 2 N to the right
d) 2 N to the left

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