Fighting For History Question Preview (ID: 55151)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Confederate states ...
a) sided with the states that had broken away
b) person who acts out the past
c) the owning of slaves
d) siding with the United States

Union States ...
a) the owning of slaves
b) sided with the United States
c) siding with the states that had broken away
d) the owning of slaves

A reenactor is a ...
a) the owning of slaves
b) to break away
c) person who acts out the past
d) siding with the states that had broken away

Slavery is ...
a) siding with the states that had broken away
b) person who acts out the past
c) the owning of slaves
d) to break away

Secede means ...
a) to break away
b) siding with the states that had broken away
c) the owning of slaves
d) person who acts out the past

The _________ states sided with the states that had broken away.
a) reenactor
b) Confederate
c) Union
d) secede

__________ means to break away.
a) slavery
b) secede
c) Confederate
d) reenactor

The _______ states sided with the United States.
a) Union
b) reenactor
c) secede
d) Confederate

__________ is the owning of slaves.
a) secede
b) reenactor
c) slavery
d) Union

A person who acts out the past is a __________.
a) reenactor
b) secede
c) slavery
d) Union

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