Shark Tales Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 55150)

Vocabulary Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is cartilage?
a) soft material that makes up a shark's skeleton
b) animal that eats other animals
c) before recorded history
d) in danger of dying out

A predator is an ...
a) animal that eats other animals
b) before recorded history
c) in danger of dying out
d) animal eaten by another animal

What does prey mean?
a) before recorded history
b) animal eaten by another animal
c) soft material that makes up a shark's skeleton
d) animal that eats other animals

What does threatened mean?
a) in danger of dying out
b) soft material that makes up a shark's skeleton
c) animal that eats other animals
d) animal eaten by another animal

Prehistoric means
a) animal eaten by another animal
b) before recorded history
c) soft material that makes up a shark's skeleton
d) animal that eats other animals

What is the soft material that makes up a shark's skeleton called?
a) prehistoric
b) prey
c) predator
d) cartilage

What vocabulary word means before recorded history?
a) cartilage
b) predator
c) prehistoric
d) prey

An animal that eats other animals is a ________.
a) prey
b) prehistoric
c) cartilage
d) predator

An animal eaten by another animal is referred to as __________.
a) prey
b) cartilage
c) prehistoric
d) predator

What means in danger of dying out?
a) predator
b) prehistoric
c) prey
d) threatened

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